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A green and blue environment

The Wyndham Way area benefits from a green corridor along the Rhyne, the historic drainage channel that traverses this part of Portishead. By enhancing and supplementing these existing green spaces, we can help ensure a more sustainable town, and enhance biodiversity.

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Green streets and spaces are a vital aspect of creating a place which is liveable, supports biodiversity and helps to address the impacts of climate change. Whilst the Rhyne creates an attractive green corridor through the heart of the area, a large proportion of space is hard surfaces, either roofs, roads or car parks.

Given the fragmented ownership of the area, it is unlikely that a single large park could be created. However, a series of smaller spaces which connect into the Rhyne corridor will create usable spaces and will help to extend the benefits of green space to a large proportion of the site.

New and improved streets are also expected to be much greener. Trees are important to provide shade and help maintain cooler temperatures. Greenery at ground level can include elements of seating and features for play, but should also include rain-gardens for sustainable urban drainage to help manage water run-off and reduce flood risk downstream.

Finally, gardens and green roofs also have a big part to play in making the area as green as possible and provide space for residents to relax.

Scroll below to compare the existing layout with a potential vision for the future

The proposals show how the greenway can be enhanced and extended to create a green corridor with soft edges connecting into new development. Homes and businesses overlooking the corridor help to create safer routes for pedestrians and cyclists.

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