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The Wyndham Way Study Area Steering Group is seeking your feedback on how the area between Portishead High Street, the marina and the planned MetroWest railway could be enhanced to benefit to the people of Portishead.

Our consultation on a new Masterplan for Central Portishead is now live. The masterplan sets out a potential framework could guide the development of this part of Portishead over the next 15 years. Future change in Portishead must happen for the better, and we believe that this framework will help deliver that.

The Wyndham Way Steering Group includes North Somerset Council, Portishead Town Council, Abrdn plc and local businesses, working together to consider explore how the Wyndham Way Study Area could be improved to benefit to the people of Portishead.

Please complete your response by 4 November at 5pm.

You can find more information about the Wyndham Way Study Area at


If you know anyone who does not have access to this website but would like to be involved, please provide them with our contact details and we will ensure they can engage the process.


Organisation (if applicable)



The masterplan responds to the feedback around jobs and workspace by planning a more diverse range of buildings. This could bring in a wider range of jobs and an increase in numbers. Do you support this approach?

As part of our approach, we have explored the potential for multi-storey (stacked) industrial workspace. This will help maintain the industrial heritage of this part of Portishead and be more compact so that we can include other uses in the area. Do you support this approach?

We have responded to the requests for more green space by including a series of small park spaces linked to the greenway and included green design principles for the streets and spaces. Do you support this approach?

The plan establishes a network of streets across the area to improve connections for walking and cycling, delivering new links for existing residents. Do you support this approach? Could these links help you to walk and cycle more and rely less on car use?

Do you support this approach?

Could these links help you to walk and cycle more and rely less on car use?

The plan responds to requests for better public transport by supporting the connections to the planned station and creating opportunities for a transport hub at Wyndham Way for future bus service improvements. Do you support these measures?

We have shown how the parking in the area could be more efficiently planned and shared, so that it’s better to use and takes up less land. Do you support this approach?

The plans respond to the comments about Wyndham Way by planning new buildings fronting onto it and exploring concepts to change the design of the road. This is linked to an improved Precinct area and pedestrian links to Old Mill Road. Do you support this concept?

The masterplan is based on a concept of slow and steady growth. This reflects the existing land uses and ownership, and means that there will be much less pressure on local schools. Do you support this approach?

It is unlikely that the leisure centre will be redeveloped in the short term, but the masterplan does include principles which help to plan for the future. Do you support the measures we have proposed?

The overall masterplan vision is to create a sustainable, connected district which helps to join up the different parts of Portishead and provide a mix of homes, jobs, green space and facilities which makes it an attractive part of the town. Do you support this concept?

Do you have any other comments you would like to be considered as part of this consultation?

Your personal information is captured, held and processed by Participatr Limited for the purposes of this project only. Participatr Limited has created and launched this engagement platform on behalf of North Somerset Council, Portishead Town Council, abrdn plc and Distinctive Communications Ltd, and we collectively make decisions about how personal information is captured, held, processed and analysed, meaning that we are joint data controllers for the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation.

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